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Re: ad-blitzes, or is that Flag waving


To me, the "as fast" meant that I was watching the speedometer to see how
fast the cars would go without sliding off into the desert. I went roughly
(I cannot remember the exact speed now) 85mph in both cars, the difference
was that the M3 kept sliding into the other lane whereas the A4q stayed in
the correct lane.

I know that this does not mean that the A4 is just as fast as an M3, but if
it allows the driver to go faster without having to worry about the car's
reaction it will probably be driven faster anyway. Not everyone out there,
myself included, are professional drivers. Most people will slow down when
a stops behaving in its usual fashion. Not every Joe BMW and Bob Audi out
there realises that oversteer, understeer, etc. can be accounted for; they
just know that they turned the wheel and the car didn't do what it usually
does and they will slow down.

So I agree with you on most of what you say, the racing A4q is _not_ the
same as the street A4q, but the driver of that M3 is also not your typical
BMW driver out on the road today.

I don't know how much sense that made I am just making my first cup of
coffee :-)

Not an M3 buyer!