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Re: Brake problems and S4 question

That car in New England would probably fetch $25,000 with 47k miles from
what I've seen.

> From: JMGarciaJr@aol.com
> To: Dean_Ferrera@ingerrand.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Brake problems and S4 question
> Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 11:47 PM
> Dean,
> I bought my 1992 S4 with ~47K mi. for $18,900 (+TT&T) and this included
> extended warranty. I have had to replace several niggling things and all
> have been covered.
> In FL, where snow is something unheard of, the S4 and assorted other
> cars do not command the premiums they do in the Snow Belt. I still think
> given that mileage, you could get a FAR better price on the car.
> -Joe in SoFla
> 1992 S4, ~47K mi.