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Trans/diff drain/fill proceedure??

Since my regular mechanic is unavailable, I'll be having a "Saab specialist"
changing my trans. and diff fluids (87 5k cstq). Would someone please review
the following procedures which I believe are correct and advise me? Mainly
concerned that the center diff gets filled correctly.

Trans/center diff:
1)Loosen fill plug on warm trans, remove drains on trans. and diff., drain
fluid, replace drain plugs.
2)Fill trans, let sit a few hours to allow fluid to enter center diff., refill
trans, replace fill plug. Should take about 3 qts. (Redline MT 90)

Rear diff:
1)Loosen fill plug on warm diff, remove drain, drain fluid, replace drain
2)Fill diff, replace fill plug. Should take about 1qt. (synth GL5)

  ([____]=====OOOO=====[____])   87 5kcsTQ, 227k miles
 []]]]]]]][Mike Aiello][[[[[[[]     original owner
       Dutchess County, NY