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Re: VW/Audi observations

Perhaps the best way to deal with these situations is to speak to the owner
of the dealership. It's quite possible that they aren't even aware of the
problem, as they only see the number of vehicles leaving the lot. As far as
they are concerned sold out cars must equal great sales!(?)
Politely asking to talk to the owner, or calling them within the week, is
the best way to deal with the situation...just be sure to get the
salesman's name and card before you go. That way you know who was being an
Hopefully, if the owner is aware of the problem, the situation can be
changed. If not you could go as far as talking to VWoA, strip them of their
right to deal the product. There are many people who would _Love_ to start
a sucessful, polite dealership.

Just my 0.02 worth.


Let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds.
-Hebrews 10:24