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RE: VW Fox 5speed
Steve Bigelow wrote:
> >I got this information from experience in an auto repair shop. We had
> couple
> >bring in a VW Fox with transmission problems.
> (snip)
> So, this is based on a sample of _one_? ONE CAR?
I seem to remember one of the parts guys at VW saying that this is a
item on the 5 speed transmissions. In other words, it will wear out,
eventually. Now how soon it wears out is another story.
I'm just trying to save people and their friends some headaches by
them to watch out for a certain condition. The original post was for a 4
speed trans and I'm supporting that car and the person selling it (I
to tell him that on Thursday, but my email was acting up). Whether
wishes to believe/follow my advice is strictly up to the individual.
Personally, I don't know if I will ever buy a VW Fox, but if I do, it
have a 5speed trans.
That's my advice, take it or leave, but I now consider the issue dropped
and will not respond further on the subject. :-)
Todd Young WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com 6100 West 110th Street
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