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RE: S2 Rally car..and other Audi Ralliers
Hey Scott, good run for you guys! Congrats! Hey, don't forget about us
"other" Audi ralliers. I drive the low speed cruise missle known as the
4000Q. We finished 2nd in the division (CENDIV) in 1995. I hope to see
all of you guys when I come out of this forced retirement. Mike Bodnar,
he was one of the Audis that went out. Also has a 4000Q that is very
fast. We both have wins with these cars and he is a heck of a fine guy
to boot! We have a good little group going. Geee, isn't it cool to be in
such a great sport? Welcome to the club!! I wish you the besat next
P.S. There are also two more Audis being prepared in Minnesota. One is
complete and did some of the Headwaters rally last year. These guys are
all ex-ice racers. That means real fast! Maybe, we all need to get
together and start an AUDI Constructor Assoc. See YA!
Mike Burke
Irish Volunteer Motorsport
Columbus, Ohio "Home of the rallying Irish"
4Q rally car
4Q street urchin
4s parts barge
93 Cheby Van