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RE: Boost -> HP??

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Lewis, Gary M wrote:

> I sent my message to one of our turbo mod guru demi-gods, and he said get an
> IC first.  Soooo, where does one get a custom single pass?  TAP seems to
> have one for $800, but is it any good?  Who else has one?  BTW, I'm thinking

	I think there was discussion on the TAP unit about 6 months ago
and the conclusion was it was a mildly tweaked 91' 200 unit that they
could provide no numbers or test results sayint that it flowed better,
cooled better or any thing.  Basically, IMHO, a Rip Off.  I could be wrong
but I have heard many complaints about TAP claiming unreasonable gains
from stuff (like "up to" 18 hp) from the 12v 2.8.  Yea, up too.  Like
maybe you actually gain 2 hp.  Thats all NEd and supposedly Audi could get
out of it with a chip. YOu have to have a Cam, etc. Dont mean to knock
TAP, I'm sure they have many good products I just seem to remember a
discussion on this earlier.  I am happy to be corrected.
	sorry, I'm ranting.  Anyhow, I would just look into some other
sources.  Pick up a Turbo Magazine and start calling vendors with some
Measurements as to how big you can fit and what size inlet and outlet you
need.  Temp sensor in IC or in Intake, etc.  THen pay the $800 on a real
intercooler.  You could probably get the 91 200 unit used for much less
than that.

> of running 1.8 - 2.0 bar (assuming I can get a 2.0 bar chip mod), monster IC
> and K24 or modified K26.  All opinions appreciated.

	Yes, you can get a 1.8  2.0   and 2.2 bar chips from  Scott
Mockery and Ned Ritchie.  The amounts may vary a tad but I think they both
sell units in those amounts.  Here are their Web addresses if you want to
check them out.  I'm not saying GO with them.  I just know many people who
are happy with their products and am passing on info.

http://www.teleport.com/~scottmo/     FOr Scott Mockery site

http://www.intendedacceleration.com/  For Neds site.  AFAIK Ned is a
little pricier but sells 50 state legal stuff so if you live in some
states like California, this is a plus.  I think he has more experience
with the REAL High HP applications above 2.2 bar but 1.8 - 2.2 I spose
they are both really good.
	If I were you I would do the IC and k24 with a 2.0 or maybe 2.2
bar turbo.   The k24 will give you pull around town and I think day to day
will be more enjoyable than the modified k26.  I'd either go k24 or go all
the way with an RS-2 and 2.5 bar with major FI mods.  Or just ditch CIS
and use Motronic.  	
	Does any one remember if Carl Jerrits is still running CIS or has
he gone Motronic as well?
