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Re: Zymol wax

I've used the Zymol product line, then tried Maguiars Gold Class on my
black CGT 2.3 with less than inspiring results.  On recommendation from
Max at AVS, I tried using the One Grand products that are available only
through mail order or from select retailers.  Website is www.onegrand.com
and the toll free is 800-782-3329.  Once a year I go through the
three-step process from Special Touch Polish, to Omega Glaze Cleaner, to
Blitz Wax Carnuba wax.  Swirl marks are gone.  They also make an
outstanding and gentle interior shampoo, as well as a rubber/vinyl
protectant called Do It All.

Call them for a catalog or visit their site.

If I want my finish to smell like coconuts, I'll apply Hawaiian Tropic.

Aaron Pratt