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Dem Your-a-pee-in lights(and minor public works mishaps)

Just got my replacement light today from Denon, as expected(other listers 
reported recieving units yesterday and such.)

I emailed Todd to ask him about the harnesses, and he said that they're 
going to spend the next couple of nights making harnesses and they'll be 
shipped out as soon as they're ready, so hold on guys, they're coming!

Today was interesting otherwise.  I got to watch Bell Atlantic installing 
my company's T1 line yesterday all along Congress Street, and this resulted 
in an interesting sight this morning.  They had to run the fiber between 
our building and the switching office, 1500 feet away, which required 
poking into 5-6 manhole covers in the middle of Congress Street.

They forgot to put one of them -back-.


MAC:I almost ended up in the damn thing with my audi the next morning. 
Boston's Finest didn't discover that the 3-foot-wide metal disc in question 
until 11am.  Mind you, this is 2 blocks from the brand spankin' new 
courthouse, and is one of the main ways into the financial section.  Not 
exactly off the beaten path.
Brett Dikeman
"Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making them 
happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain

"Oh no.  Not again." - The bowl of Petunias

"... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big 
enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual

Statler: "Hey, this one sounds cute."
Waldorf: "You old fool, that's not the personals, it's the obituaries!"