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Re: Squeal when shifting

Probably a loose belt (as peter says).  When I first got my car the alt.
belt made terrible noises until I tightened it.  These are quick, easy
and cheap fixes, and good do it yourself items.

On the other hand, the noise could be a pilot bearing going bad, which
would require removal of the tranny/clutch to get to.

Good luck!

Peter Schulz wrote:
> Kevin O'Buckley wrote:
> >
> > Hi.  I am new to standard transmission cars with my new (to me) '91 90
> > Quattro 20v with 132k miles.  Got a good deal on the car last week, but
> > this week a problem as surfaced.
> >
> > When shifting, or starting from a stop, a horrible squeal will come from
> > the front of the car.  Happens most of the time I shift, but not every
> > time.  The car seems to drive fine, but it makes me very nervous that I
> > have purchased a car with a major problem.  Any help pointing me in the
> > right direction would be appreciated.  Does this sound like a clutch
> > problem?
> >
> > I am in Burlington, VT, and anyone who could point me to an honest
> > mechanic in the area would also be much appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kevin
> Kevin:
> Could be a loose Air Conditioner belt.  Turn your cc off or
> use "econ" setting to confirm.
> -Peter Schulz
> 1990 CQ
> 1991 TQW
> schulz@res.ray.com