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Yoko Guardex 600s

I put Yokos on my wife's Outback last year.  Had absolutely great
results in both Colorado (home) and Lincoln (in-laws home).  The car
handled great in our dry snow, ice and slush, and then took us to
Lincoln and took us through 7 days of holiday ice, eastern Nebraska
style.  Granted the Outback is no 200Q, but I went ahead and put the
Yokos on my car, too.

No snow in Denver yet, so I have nothing to report.  But I would be
stunned if I wasn't just as thrilled after this season as I was after

A bonus for my tastes; the Yokos have proved to be very quiet on the dry
pavement in 60 & 70 degree weather!

I'll keep you informed.

Dan Becker