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RE: S6 Brake Light - Results of overfilling hyd. resevoir
A couple of people have asked for clarification on the effectiveness of the
dealer's overfilling attempt on my S4, so here's the short version: Yes, it
worked. The slightly longer version:
At first (old bomb): the light would stay on until the car was driven and
the steering/brakes had been used a bit (say, 45 sec). Note, at this point,
the self-check "OK" display wouldn't light up at startup.
New bomb was installed, and all was well for a few days / a week. "OK" light
during self-check now came on.
The light came back, but now for only 10-20 seconds, and would sometimes
disappear sitting at idle. "OK" self-check _still_ on.
Mechanics pressure-checked everything they could find. Everything was OK.
Called AofA's tech lines. Eventually, having suggested everything we'd
already done, they found a note suggesting to overfill the hydraulic
Overfilled the hydraulic resevoir (not too much): OK for a day or two, then
the light came back, but only intermittently, for 1-2 seconds, after >12
hours rest.
Overfilled a bit more: Light stays off, and has been off since then (six
months now).
Hope that helps.
I suspect that it implies something along the lines of sensor
miscalibration, and AofA doesn't want to admit it. Still, it works, and
that's all I ask of it.
Geoff Jenkins * Department of Economics
101 Marshall Hall, Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 355-7583