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RE: Craig's O2 sensor

> << We've been here before. Bosch lists no 3 wire universal sensor,
> although
>  we've been getting a non-Bosch one from Worldpac at a pretty good price.
> >>
> It's just a matter of being a bit creative with Bosch's selection. They
> don't
> list a universal 3 wire for the Vw/Audi line; but have your parts man
> browse
> through some Ford listings. A nice 3 wire can be had for ~40$, clip the
> Ford
> connector off, and presto, she's a universal. I can dig up an example
> Bosch
> P/N if you don't have any luck.
... well, I was able to get a 3-wire Bosch universal for the '85 4kSQ from
GPR.  I don't remember the exact price, but it was in the $50 ballpark.
Unfortunately the PO had replaced the OXS with a 1 wire universal (I wonder
if the thing EVER got hot enough to work mounted at the entry flange to the
cat!) and the heater wires were NLA.  Thanks Chris for fixing me up with

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)