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Re: Will A4 16" 7-spoke wheels with 205/55R16 fit '86 5kS?

Not true!!!!
'84 and earlier front drive cars are 4x100 AFIK. Certainly my '84 4ks
is. I just took the VW GTI wheels off it last week. The 4x100 7x15"
R-8's I have came off an '82 5k auto.

> All Audis with a four boult patttern are 4 by 108mm.  This includes all
> 4000's, 5000's(except for turbo), 100's, 80's, 90's , quattro coupes, and
> 90S's. Also all Saabs, except for the new ones, have the same pattern, as
> well as many fords (ugh!) Speaking of which, I have a set of 4 by 108
> rims that I am trying to sell.  They are 16cecwheels.com to see them)
> Email me at serster@aol.com
> phone 303-541-9082
> SCott Galbraith
> 1990 Quattro Coupe 130,000 miles
> chrome polo type 706
> with Bf
> Goodrich comp T/A's ZR rated  205/55 tires.  They are only about three
> months old, and I have to sell them to buy some maintence parts, or maybee
> a fer performance parts.  I am looking for the first $800 to take the lot.
> They look like CEC type 129's.  (Go to www.cecwheels