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RE: Urq Valve Cover Painting

In message <Pine.GHP.4.05.9811040047310.8492-100000@eagle.csrv.uidaho.edu> Todd Phenneger writes:

> I have a few.  FIrst, I would Powder Coat it.  Powder Coating is
> impervious to most chemicals, heat, and lasts a long time.  Looks great
> too.  Plus, if you take it there, they will sand or media blast it before
> painting anyways so you can take it to them dirty :)

You _will_ take it to them dirty, even if you think it's clean.

Their concept of 'clean' is different to ours.

One word of caution on powder coating.  If you do it to anything that
has a thread cut in it (the ball joint to strut base joint comes to
mind) it's a good idea to run a tap of the right size down into the
hole before trying to bolt it all together again.

Roger Galvin didn't, and wound up shearing the bolt head off only five
hours before a Concourse competition 200 miles away.  That powder is
_grippy_ if it gets onto threads.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)