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Re: Ignorant question on 80 vs. 90 models

In 88 only, the only way you could get an automatic in the US was with a four
cyl. 80 or 90 trim. In 89 the 5 cyl auto 90 came out.


Richard Beels wrote:

> I think they even put a 4 cyl. in a 90 one year or two.  3 speed auto was
> mated.  Bentley's at home and I'm not....
> At 01:11 PM 11/4/1998 ,  Andrew Duane USG was inspired to say:
> >  > The 80 and 90 had the same body style, but the 80 (non-q) had
> >  > the 4-cyl engine (1800cc I think).  The 80quattro and the 90,
> >  > 90quattro all had the 5-cyl.  Other than that, Andrew is correct.
> >
> >  I wasn't sure about the 4 cylinder non-Q. I know it applies to
> >  the 4000's, but didn't want to guess wrong on the 80.
> Cheers,
>         Richard
>         88 90Q - K+N, new vac hoses, still 0.0 bar....
>         88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally