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Re: V8 5 speed SPARE US (Ever seen the "delete" key, Shane?)

At 01:24 PM 11/4/98 -0900, you wrote:
>Who cares.  I don't care about anyones personal preference on dogs or wether
>they want a V8 or a 5 cylinder.  I so happen to prefer......oh yeah you all
>would like that.  Wouldn't you?  No preference is better then the other.  It
>is as it is called a preference.
>Shayne, prepareing the flame shield.  

Hey Shane, that's the spirit - F**k everyone except what I'm interested in!

yeah, think I'll start leading my life that way and see how far it gets me.  

I won't count the number of long, narrowly-focused threads I've endured w/o
trying to shut them down because of my personal attention defecit disorder.
 After 2 years on this list I've never seen someone act so anti-social.
Just don't read it.  "Delete" works real well on my version of Eudora.
