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Re: My cool car

I am 19 and i have been on the list since senior in High School.:)

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> Heh.  And I thought there was no young "contingent" on the list besides me :)
> BTW, don't paint the rotors(serious safety hazard) and if you paint the
> calipers, use high temp paint.  Red looks good(ask any Porsche owner who
> has "Big Reds":)
> Similarly, be careful painting the engine.  Among other things, you'll
> affect the cooling of the engine which may cause problems down the road.
> Brett
> (Qlist member since sophomore year in high school.)
> "You're what, half my age?  Yikes." -Andrew Duane(at a Boston Q-tails social.)
> >I don't have any questions or anything, but i'd just thought i'd give you
> >an update on the 4000.  It is now about a week away from running.  We
> >just got all the parts we need for it, including all the major gaskets
> >and bearings.  I have also tinkered with some other things.  My car is
> >far away from the new luxury cars, being an '84 and all, but I figured to
> >go all out and make my car interesting.  I'm only 16, so why not.  I have
> >already painted my brake discs yellow, and they look very good in between
> >the stock rims.  I am also going to paint the accessories under the hood
> >yellow.  e.g., the valve cover, oil pan, fan housing, etc.  I have gotten
> >a 6-disc CD player and two 10-inch speakers for the truck.  And I have a
> >very good amp.  But don't think I am going to make my car go "thump",
> >because I have no cross-over, so I can't have the speakers loud or else I
> >will blow my stock speakers in the car.  My dad bought me a neon license
> >plate, and I am thinking about putting neon's underneath the car.  And
> >the windows will be tinted very soon.  I know most of you will strongly
> >disagree with what I am doing, but the way I see it is, I need to make
> >the car look good. Now, to most of you, neon's and 10-inch speakers are
> >stupid, but I'm only 16, and I think they look pretty neat.  Well, that's
> >about it i guess.  Sorry for the wasted time, but I just think my car is
> >going to look pretty good, and thought I'd share with you all.
> ------
> Brett Dikeman
> brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
> ~)-|
> "Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making them
> happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain
> "Oh no.  Not again." - The bowl of Petunias
> "... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big
> enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual
> Statler: "Hey, this one sounds cute."
> Waldorf: "You old fool, that's not the personals, it's the obituaries!"
> ------