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Re: Diff/Tranny oil o.e.m. synthetic on a V8?!?

>Along those lines, what weight Red Line oil would one put in the rear end of a
>V8 automatic? What type oil for the tranny. TIA
>Frank Santoro
>1990 V8(for sale)
>1998 A8

Hi Frank-

I know that Redline makes a auto tranny oil.  Not all of their products are
direct cross overs from say dextron mercon III to their oil.  So, find out
what your car uses ( DM III I presume) and call them to find out the correct
one to use for that.  As for the rear, i would use a product they make
called MTL 75-90 (I think this is the weight).  I don't have an automatic,
so I really can't speak on the Auto Tranny oil, but the other has been great
in the 5 Speeds gear box as well as rear end.  Agian, they may have a better

Redline oil:  800.624.7958


HTH, SHayne.