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Re: Steering wheel wiring

Paul Krieger <pdkmdfac@mail2.nai.net> writes:

>	I have a new ( 2K ) '98 quattro A8....the wheel does not have 
>controls for the stereo....I find it difficult to drive and change >"
things" as the buttons are so small....does anyone know if the >wiring
harness for the wheel is standard in all A8's and contains >the necessary
connections to change to a wheel with controls????? Also, >cost of new
wheel.....Thanks, PD

I've never seen an A8 with this as a factory feature. (I haven't
seen that many at all..so) There is no listing for a different
wheel except for leather/non-leather, and heated/non-heated, and
the "sports" wheel.  

The location/size of the radio controls is a common complaint
with the A8.  Gotta love a car where this is the biggest
complaint from buyers...



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