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Old Audi vs. new Passat

Osman Parvez wrote:
<< Sell it...get out. You will pay an enormous amount of money fixing that
car. Older Audis are a slipperly slope of ownership.   Replaced the entire
hydraulic system, the
starter, alternator, e-brake cable, all four struts, new wheels, snows mounted
on steels, eurolights, Cd player, new clutch.....  let's just say that it is
currently well over $3500 in the past two years!  That isn't including oil
changes, gas, and insurance fees. It may
be even higher than that.... probably closer to $4500 or more.  If I sold the
car today..I would have a hard time recovering my cost.... 
  For $3000 down, I could lease a new Passat and then have a guaranteed
payment of $260/month for the next 3 years/45K miles. Who knows what is gonna
happen now... The turbo could die...The oil cooler could spring a leak...I

  I understand your point with regard to the specific car in question, but the
alternative is not necessarily the best I think.  There is something to be
said for a new car, but 3k down and $260/mo is $343/mo average cost for the
next 3 years, and that doesn't cover gas and insurance and oil changes
either.......that's a constant for either vehicle, and I would guess the
insurance would be cheaper for an older vehicle.  Also, if you need snows on
steels for a quattro, then you'll also need them for a Passat, so that's not
necessarily an Audi related expense either.  
  On the other hand, assuming your figure of $4500 in 2 years is realistic,
that represents an average monthly expense of $187.  Then, after 2 years, you
have a car.  With a new Passat you have (after 3 years) a bunch of money spent
on a vehicle you now have to either turn in or spend more money to aquire.
Also, I would bet that there is no point when you would ever be able to
recover your cost on the Passat.  Both cars are going to depreciate, but the
new car will do it quicker.  
  My suggestion to the person who asked about his non-q 80 would also be to
dump it, but I would then suggest he find another used one and let someone at
a good shop check it out first.  
Bryan Carter
No. Va.