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RE: Lightening 4kq flywheel

> 	I guess I will do that. But I was told that the starting weight
> for the 91' 200 flywheel was like 17 lbs so that is already low if you can
> find a good used one I would think.  WHat is the difference?  DO you know.
> Between MC and 3B Flywheels besides weight I mean.

None that I know of...I believe the HAL sensors are in the same locations on
the '91 200's 016 as with every other 016 (i.e. 5ktq and 4kq), which might
be the only discrepancy, but from the diagrams in the Bentley manual,
everything looks the same.

> 	Hmmm, must be only if REally light.  I know someone out there ahs
> a 5lb unit I think but they said it is almost impossible to launch the car
> with it that light.

A real torquey motor might not suffer as much from such a light flywheel.

> 	Hmmm.  That has a 3B in it doesn't it.  NO wait, you have the
> stock CQ motor modified so you have a CQ flywheel?  Or is it an S4
> Flywheel?  I think the 200 3B unit is only 17 lbs but he 4kq stock unit is
> about 27 I think.

Yes, I have the stock CQ 7A motor and am switching over to an 016 trans from
a 4kq.  After analyzing the two trannies and the 4kq and CQ flywheels, I'm
using the 01A flywheel and changing the TO bearing configuration to accept
the 01A flywheel (cuz I've already had the machine work done).  It looks
like the HAL sensors are in the same locations, so I should be OK.
