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Re: A4 & CHP in Tahoe...

In message <> Robert Myers writes:

> Your Audi may "drop" Mr. Chip.  It won't, however, "drop" his radio and the
> other 727 Mr. Chips it will summon.  Bad advice, methinks.

We recently had a visit from the 'Midnight Racers' - a bunch of Japanese
idiots who try and challenge land speed records on deserted roads in
the middle of the night.  One was clocked on a radar gun at 198mph on
the A1M southbound near London.

Unfortunately he was unaware at just how proficient the police have
become at blocking off the motorways into London during the terrorist

He's been sent back to Japan.  The car has been crushed.

On another note, the local police forces have now decided that tearing
around the night skies in helicopters is perhaps over-reacting.  The
local force took out three of its own officers, a GBP1 million
helicopter, and three towns' power a few weeks back - chasing a car
that was blocked in anyway.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)