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Re: 1991 200t: no start ...

In message <mailstart.11/10/98.18830.> gerard@dockside.co.za writes:
> > Have you checked for a major vacuum leak(s)?  Such a leak
> > causes excessively lean fuel mixtures and is the
> > antithesis of what you want for startup.
> Would it be possible to find out from you where to look
> for the major vacuum lines on this MC 10-valve motor, just
> in order to cut lookup/search time?

Pop the hood.  Discount any hoses attached to the power steering and
brakes.  The rest are critical - no shortcuts.

> We have an ECU that will not start a motor. Had it cleaned,
> had a electronic engineer take a brief look at it, but
> there are no signs of burn-out or anything. It just won't
> start the car. Someone reckoned the darlingtons were
> finished.

Or you have a motor that one of your ECUs refuses to start.  Anyway -
pull the codes and see what it says is wrong.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)