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Re: A4 & CHP in Tahoe...

On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, c a l i b a n wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Phil Payne wrote:
> :|Highly modified Skylines, I believe.
> 	is there a "translation" for a skyline to 
> 	yankee speak?

It has never been offered in the US, though a company just ran two through
crashtests for teh first time in teh US.  I guess the best translation
would be WOW!  AS far as Japanese coupes go, it's incredible.  For more
info you can check out www.skylinegtr.com or
http://www.skylinegtr.com/html/whatsnew.html for info on the possible
importation.  I'm hearing around $75k, and I'd rather have a 911 for the
money,  but if you want a unique car, it's hard to beat.  (At least in
North America.)
