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Re: Almost Reckless driving
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Dan Simoes wrote:
:|Happens here in NY too. While I sit behind the moron and flash
:|him, other cars are weaving around me and passing on the right.
:|Of course, I'm the one who will then be pulled over for "agressive
:|driving" (yes, there is a van on the parkway looking for this
:|type of behavior)
it's worse in california. i was actually attacked for
*properly* and at the correct distance flashing my
brights at a van. he was in the fast lane (of four
lanes) on a freeway where the average speed is 70+.
he literally tried to run me off the road and attempted
to rear end me. 911 was unsympathetic.
:|I actually pulled into the trooper barracks one day, fuming,
:|and asked if there isn't a law that says traffic should keep
:|right. Upon hearing yes, I calmly asked if they might consider
:|posting some signs, since it seems to be an unknown law...
they have signs in california. they go completely unheeded.
it sucks.
i have been considering a thin panel of led lights in
my back window. just a strip of them, about 4 inches
tall, not really visible until i hit the button. they
will spell out "slower traffic keep right". dunno if
i'll ever do it...
'83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 - chaotic good
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