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Re: show me the money, and VIN mystery

>I totally agree that this a amazing resource, but $50 to $100 sounds a
>little steep for me.  I know that some of the list members would be forced
>to quit using the list at that price.  It sounds like I am at about the
>bottom of the pay scale for the list.  I think a $20 membership fee would
>more in line and would allow everyone to participate regardless of income.
Don't forget us students with a negative income, although I'm sure I could
return enough "empties" to swing a $20-30 fee for a tasteful sticker and all
the Audi information that's fit to post.

In other news:
I'm on my third insurance company right now and they're the third company to
tell me that I mis-read my VIN. It begins  WAUD but they keep telling me
that it reads WAUC or WAUF(they've never been within miles of my car).  The
tag on the windshield, inside of front bumper, and inside of rear fender all
read WAUD. Each time it has taken at least 2 calls to get the WAUD put on my
insurance card. I've checked the VIN-ID page at euroselect but none of their
listings match up exactly right either. Can anyone explain this? It is an
'87 5000SQ, they tell me it is not quattro and list it as "5000 custom".
Weird is all I could come up with so far.