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New member
Laurence, don't worry about asking "repeat questions". Talk about anything
you want, no matter how far off topic. All you really need to know is that
whenever you post you need to repeat as much of the post you are responding to
as possible, followed by (or preceded by) as short a comment as you can make.
It seems to be the only way things get done on this list. It's taken me a
while to learn this strange rule, but hey.....when in Rome.......
Bryan Carter
No. Va.
<Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:26:00 -0800
<From: "Laurence N. Bautista" <lbautistasr20de@netvista.net>
<Subject: new member introduction
< Hello,
< My name is Laurence Bautista and I am a proud owner of a 1999 Audi
<A4 1.8TQ. I am 24 years old and live in the Bay Area in California. I
<joined this list to accomplish a few things. I want to broaden my
<currently limited knowledge of my vehicle by learning from all of you,
<find performance parts that will increase my vehicles potential, and
<collect some of the list's consensus on Audi/VW vehicle warranties and
<performance parts.
< I do have some questions to post to the list. Is there a FAQ
<(frequently asked questions) site or index available so I do not bore
<everyone with repeat questions? Is there a technical section available
<to access, this would include performance parts available, technical
<write-ups, and/or dealer service and warranty denial comments.
< I would like to thank all of you for your time. I may not post
<again for some time as I may lurk and read what you all have to say. I
<am also on two other list digests, (Bay Area RX-7 mailing list and the
<Nissan SE-R mailing list for the Sentra/200sx, Primera, Silvia, etc
<vehicles) , so I may not respond as quickly as I would like. If you
<have any questions of me, please feel free to email me at
< Thanks again,
< Laurence N. Bautista