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Re: Pentosin Woes

Do you recall if the Haynes manual specified Pentosin 7.1?  The Pentosin
11S label makes note of its usefulness to extreme cold-weather regions; I
don't know if Pentosin 7.1 makes a similar claim.

BTW, as a chemist I'm duty-bound to point out that the word is non-

>Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 16:18:01 -0500 (EST)
>From: "Joseph F. Governali" <jfgovern@mailbox.syr.edu>
>Subject: Re: Pentosin Woes
>	I've been running Mobile DTE-13M Mineral oil in my cars for years,
>with no additional fluid leakage.  Notice that I say additional, since the
>rack in both was leaking at the time that I purchased them...  this stuff
>was x-referenced using the pentosin-equivalent listed in the Haynes repair
>manual for the Audi 5000 line (incidently, this x-reference has been the
>only useful information gleaned from the Haynes since I purchased the
>Bently Bible!)...
>	I spoke with an applications engineer at Mobil, who looked-up the
>specs on the Haynes-specified fluid, and said that DTE-13M would be a good
>substitue..  incidently, it is an oil used in deep-arctic voyages on large
>ships!  Not sure what they use it for, but the key to it's applicability
>is it's viscosity, mineral-base, non-detergent, and non-hydroscopic (ie.
>does not attract water) properties....

Phil Rose				Rochester, NY
'89 100 (For Sale, 111K, automatic)
'91 200q				mailto:pjrose@servtech.com