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Re: distributor rotor (long)
The plot thickens... I'm calling in the mother list on this one,
so 20V-listers please forgive the rehash.
Background: Chasing down a cold stumble and 2114 fault code
(distributor out of adjustment)on my '90 CQ, I discovered that
the resistance of my rotor measured somewhere around 5M ohms
rather than the specified 1000 +- 400. I replaced it along with
the cap with a new one from my local Bosch man. I turns out that
this replacement is the infamous 04170, the generic 10V rotor.
It appeared to be exactly like the one I crushed off the shaft.
Like the 3B, the 7A originally came with a smaller rotor. The
parts fiche doesn't even list the rotor separately from the
distributor. John Larson graciously measured the difference
between the Audi rotor and 04170, and came up with 18.55mm and
15.10mm respectively.
Immediately after replacement and starting/idling the car, the
2114 fault code disappeared. I ran the output tests to _force_
the fault memory to clear, just in case. The car starts/runs
just as before, including the hesitation when cold. I was going
to look elsewhere for the solution, but when I pulled the codes
last night (first time after actually _driving_ with the new
rotor) the 2114 was back!
So, the 5M ohm resistance wasn't the cause. My only symptoms
(but possibly unrelated) are a slight stumble for a few minutes
after cold start and she's always taken a few more cranks to
start than she should (but not excessive). There are several
possibilities that I've come up with:
1. Distributor out of alignment.
- Do I really need the VAG tool to check this? I've already
checked the cam timing, which appears to be OK. (the mark on
my flywheel was just red paint!)
2. Problem with hall sensor or ignition timing sensor.
- Bentley has a few rudimentary voltage/resistance checks, but
I'm thinking that if it's a circuit fault the car either
wouldn't start or would run like crap. Any tricks I can use
to test this stuff?
3. Wrong size rotor.
- Has anyone seen this symptom with the generic 10V rotor on a
20V? Can someone who is using this rotor on the 7A dump their
codes for comparison?
4. Magnecor wires not operating as expected.
- I'll check their resistances, and I've still got the old
wires that I can test with.
TIA for any suggestions or second opinions.
Eric Renneisen
'90 CQ 20V - my '2114-ing-iron' ;^)
Chattanooga, TN