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Andrew talks to the AOA area rep

Andrew said this

On Thursday, November 12, 1998 6:41 AM, quattro-digest 
[SMTP:owner-quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net] wrote:
> I did manage to reproduce a couple of small flares, none of the
> big 5000 RPM ones though :-(  He said he doesn't know of anything
> known about this, and it isn't supposed to do that. He will see
> if there are any reports back at AoA about this problem with the
> 01A tranny, and get back to me. Meanwhile, since I now have a
> pretty serious paper trail that I reported this problem under
> warranty, I can breathe a little easier if something does happen
> to me down the road.
Good for you.

Small story - had a rapping noise under a light load with my Rodeo about a 
year after I got it.  While still under warranty they dealer(s) replaced 
the clutch pack (twice).  (Didn't say a word even though I knew the noise 
was from the tranny- new clutch pack for free sure!).  Still had the noise. 
Still played games with the dealer(s).  Finally - they said it was because 
I was running Mobil 1 - didn't believe them but I let them change the oil 
to a natural.  They put in a heavier oil (I worked for a company that 
distributed lubricants and I had the oil tested).  Truck went out of 
warranty - still had the problem.  Talked to the area rep, showed him all 
the documentation (he wanted to know why they replaced the clutch twice - I 
dunno!).  Isuzu did a complete tranny rebuild replaced 3 gears, all 
bearings(a bad bearing was the problem) and seals  (plus another clutch - 
don't ask me but I didn't object!)
Moral of the story - document everything-  it worked for me
