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Re: 80 Failure update + liability question

Andrei Kogan wrote...(with everything snipped but the point I'm responding

>If the guy is a real asshole, mention the Better Business Bureau.

What on earth for?

They are a toothless tiger. There biggest action is throwing the offender
out of the BBB. Big whoop. Don't let the "Bureau" part let you think they
are some sort of a government watchdog. 

They are a _business_, soliciting paid memberships. 

Lots of idiots are members, and lots of honest business-persons (myself
included) just tell their telephone pitches "No thanks"

Steve Bigelow
ICQ 22399818
Discreet Dungeons
Ottawa Ontario
'84 5ks "Audrey", Zermatt silver, Husco armrest/cupholder, Bosch H4/H1
'82 Coupe (previous)