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RE: _Lifters?_ 90 CQ
Cam Follower = Lifter = Tappets. Yup. Correct. And confusing. Of course,
there are 2 major design types for these gismos, Hydraulic (no adjustment
needed) and non hydraulic (adjustable... usually with shims). The industry
had generally determined that hydraulic is better, but recently WV has
reverted back to non-hydraulic with its new 5 cyl "V" engine.
Craig Krivin
MCI/WorldCom Advanced Networks
Sr. Account Manager
Upstate NY Branch
Ckrivin@csi.Xcompuserve.com (remove X to reply..)
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From: "Daily,DerekSJMCG"
Sent: Friday, November 13, 1998 12:55 PM
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Can someone please confirm that these are the correct part and terminology?
034 109 309 AD - Cam Follower x20 (what the cam lobes push against)
027 109 651 - Cotter, split x40? (small piece, 2/valve, I guess)
027 109 641 - Upper spring seat x20
Cam Follower = Lifter = Tappets?
Don't you worry, I wont get anywhere near the actual procedure... ;-). If
this is correct we now have 3 terms for the same part?
VIN# WAUGD08B9LA000227
1990 CQ
Thanks Very Much!
Derek Daily