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snow tire experience

Hello Listers,

This has been my personal experience with snows this season. Tires and
snows are as such: 88 90 fwd Blizzaks, 89 200t Dunlop Graspics, 98 a4tq
Yoko Guardex. On ice the blizzaks seemed the most stable, have not driven
the guardexes on ice yet. Dry road very impressed with both the dunlops and
the yokos. much quieter than expected and handling far superior to the
blizzaks. By no means was the handling nimble but not as bad as I was
expected. Haven't seen deep snow yet.

Remember that the suspension has a lot to do with the characteristics and
each of these  cars are quite different in handling. The a4 has sport
suspension, the 90 just rebuilt suspension and the 200 (not to offend
anyone) has a tired boat feel.

I live in an environment that when it gets winter it's winter. All tires
are replaced in the spring with summer sport tires.

Mark Switek