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Re: P/N for pearl Fuchs?

In message <> Steve Jensen writes:

> >What is the part number of these wheels? It's my understanding that
> >they're all the same, whether originally fitted to an urq or a 5kcstq.
> >15"x7", 45mm offset. If the p/n is different for the pearl ones (which I
> >need), I'd appreciate that number.
> Just went out to my car, balancing a glass of white zin and flashlight.
> Escorted by Sarah, our miniature border collie (don't ask, she's a pound
> puppy).  Part number cast into the pearl Fuchs on my car is 447-601-025F,
> prolly the generic Fuchs number, fiche may have the letter extension
> indicating color.  Phil?

447 601 025F is "Wheel disc, aluminium forged, 15x7, ET45"
437 601 165  is the centre cap.

In both cases, the suffix colour code for Pearlescent White is '0A9'.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)