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Re: 80 Failure update + liability question
Not true. I contacted the BBB in California when I was getting screwed
around by a computer company out there. They got in touch with the local
attorney general who looked into the case and let the company in question
know that they were being looked at. Voila, I received a cheque and an
apology in the mail within a month. If that's a paper tiger, I'll take the
From: "Steve Bigelow" <sbigelow@sprint.ca>
Subject: Re: 80 Failure update + liability question
Andrei Kogan wrote...(with everything snipped but the point I'm responding
>If the guy is a real asshole, mention the Better Business Bureau.
What on earth for?
They are a toothless tiger. There biggest action is throwing the offender
out of the BBB. Big whoop. Don't let the "Bureau" part let you think they
are some sort of a government watchdog.
They are a _business_, soliciting paid memberships.
Lots of idiots are members, and lots of honest business-persons (myself
included) just tell their telephone pitches "No thanks"
Steve Bigelow
ICQ 22399818
Discreet Dungeons
Ottawa Ontario
'84 5ks "Audrey", Zermatt silver, Husco armrest/cupholder, Bosch H4/H1
'82 Coupe (previous)