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Re: quattro-digest V4 #3086

Seems like there is quite a few of you with complaints here already written,
somebody should print these and send them to Audi USA. One would think it would
help the situation.

christopher.meier@us.pwcglobal.com wrote:

> Interesting.
> I walked into Valley Motors about 6pm on a Thursday while shopping for a
> 1999 A4tq.  (I had called ahead and found that their dealership had the car
> with the exact options I wanted.  They invited me by for a test drive)
> When I showed up, they were too lazy to move two cars out of their show
> room to let me take the test drive they invited me there for.
> I was not happy and let them know I had called ahead and they knew about
> it.  The salesman actually looked me in the eye and asked me if I was
> serious about buying.  I replied that before I could tell him that, I
> shouldnt be too much to ask to drive the car, and then left.
> I bought my 99A4tq the next day from Len Stoler Audi in Owings Mills.
> Guess I was serious, huh?
> I guess what bothered me was that I expect that ind of salesmanship from
> other dealers, but hadn't experienced it from any of the Audi dealerships I
> had been to prior to that (about 6).
> --chris
> To:       quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net
> cc:
> From:     owner-quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net (quattro-digest)
> Date:     11/16/98 09:57:18 PM GMT
> Subject:  quattro-digest V4 #3086
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 16:13:31 -0500
> From: Arthur.L.Berrier@sealedair.com
> Subject: RE: Dealer dis-service award- Valley Motors
> I was at Valley Motors many years ago waiting to pick up some floor
> mats I had ordered.  A service manager who was in the parts department
> was paged for a phone call.  He picked up the phone on the counter to
> talk to a customer who had called about the status of his car.  "Yes,
> I'll check on the status of your car right now" he said.  He then
> proceeded to cover the phone with his hand, make an obscene hand
> gesture and continued his original unrelated conversation for three
> minutes before saying into the phone:  "Gee, the car won't be ready
> today, call back tomorrow".
> I have never been back........
> Arthur Berrier
> '85 Coupe GT (with Valley Motors floor mats but no service)
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