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New lister - 89 200TQW questions

I've just subscribed to the list after several weeks of lurking via the
archives.  I've been looking for a TQ wagon for a while, and this past
weekend took a look at an '89 200 TQW.

The current (2nd) owner has had it about a year, and indicated to me that
the original owner had done all maintenance through a local Audi dealer.
However, when I called the dealer with the VIN, they confirmed it had been
in for oil changes and some work for the climate control system up to about
a year ago...but the last "scheduled" maintenance interval performed was
back at 45,000 mi.  (Current mileage 153,000.)  They also checked the Audi
national database and didn't find anything else.

Since the current owner couldn't come up with any service records, I'm
thinking the 90,000 mile timing belt replacement wasn't done.  Can anyone
give me an idea what this will cost to have done?  I checked the archives
and found the do-it-yourself procedure, but it's more than I care to attempt.

I also suspect the front axle CV joints need some work.  Again, cost for

Otherwise, seems like a good vehicle.  Very little lifter noise, turbo
pressure up to 1.3 bar, straight body, various switches and heated seats
appear to work.  Asking price $5500.  I'm seriously considering a purchase
if the required work won't run too high.

Also...found a dealer on the web that claims to specialize in quattros.
KAR of MN, Inc. (www.karquattro.com)  They had a couple wagons listed,
but I was dismayed they only have a p.o. box for an address!  Anyone have
any experience with this outfit?


Russ D. Van Winkle