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RE: abs

yes, in this situation, without the centre locked, loss of traction on a
single wheel will result in loss of power for all other driving wheels
(because all diffs are 'open') which, when cornering, results in a *big*
oversteering moment.  this is the (legendary) early generation quattro "tank

in a generation 1 quattro, if you're going fast, lock the diff, and live
with the understeer.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

	-----Original Message-----

	Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:44:39 -0500 (EST)
	From: Mike Mulholland <meyeke@netinc.ca>
	Subject: abs

	without the centre diff locked, my experience when the traction
	limitations of the car were exceeded, was that the front and rear of
the car
	_really_ wanted to swap places....and did. it actually felt as
though the
	rear wheels were turning in opposite directions. the resultant spin
	within a second or less...turning into the spin just directed me
towards a
	cliff edge so i just sat back and enjoyed the spin...then changed my