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Re: Regardless of what coolant is best....................

There is a great difference between distilled water (available from your
local grocery) and deionized water (generally available only in a research
lab somewhere).  To make deionized water you *start* with distilled water.
Definite overkill, IMO.

At 06:45 PM 11/19/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Romeo Shayne Pavlic' wrote:
>> Regardless of what antifreeze you use,
>> be sure to use ONLY Deionized H2O.
>> You will virtually eliminate corosion and deterioration.
>> Shayne.
>Isn't that distilled water not "Deionized H2O" ?
>'86 4KCSQ
  *  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
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