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Re: V6 Timing Belt
Chris Newbold wrote:
> Todd Young wrote:
> > serpentine belt tensioner [serp belt was fine]
> Doubtful after some 60k-odd miles. Look on the inner, ribbed side and
> bend the belt a bit, and I'll bet you find that it's full of little
> cracks. BTDT.
The service manager stated that it appeared fairly new, but you're right, I
should probably check it myself.
> > I can't see how adding a serpentine belt would create a $40 difference.
> Easy. I think the "list" price for that belt is over $50...
OUCH! I would think a Gates belt, purchased at a local parts store, would be
a little more reasonable, if a person has the ability/knowledge to replace
it him/herself.
Todd Young WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com 6100 West 110th Street
612-886-5051 Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
800-585-1133 ext.5051 http://www.wamnet.com/