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RE: 1989 200t: horns don't last...
The problem with your horns is the way Audi chose to mount and locate
them. If memory serves me correct, both my father's '84 5000 and his
'88 5000 had the exact same problem with horn failure. The reason we
found was that these horns are in a position where they scoop-up water
and dirt from below the car, eventually ruining the horn. We opened up
two pairs of failed horns and they were full of crap! If you're going
to replace them, try relocating them to an area in the engine
compartment less susceptible to road debris. Or at least turn the open
trumpets to point towards the rear of the car.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gerard@dockside.co.za [SMTP:gerard@dockside.co.za]
> Sent: Friday, November 20, 1998 3:23 AM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Cc: gerard@dockside.co.za
> Subject: 1989 200t: horns don't last...
> Hi!
> A few months after buying my car in july '97 I noticed
> that the horns had stopped working. I removed them and
> replaced them with non trumpet-shaped horns, I used a
> set of disc shaped units. About 4 months back I noticed
> that one of the horns had stopped working, I only got a
> lower tone ... which seemed silly for the car this big. :)
> Now, they're completely dead. I don't use the horn much.
> Last night I decided to give it a go, but nothing happened.
> Two sets of horns in a year? What's going on? Is this
> common? Should I move them to another spot and if so,
> then where? Currently they're accessible from under
> the car below the radiator. The guy at the parts store
> said it was water that kills them. Should I just go back
> and get 105dB Hella trumpet-like horns (like the originals)?
> Which way should the trumpets normally face? They're only
> $20 and about a 15 minute fix time, but $20 is alot when
> it's needed to fix some bushings!
> G.
> -----
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