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re: Interesting item on eBay

"Jouko Haapanen" <joukoh@vtoy.fi> writes:
>I have an official Audi promo RC UrQ done up in 1982 Monte Carlo decaling,
>registration IN-NE 4 (I think) in decent, not mint condition.  Found it
>recently cleaning up old junk at work.  Fuchs wheels, Kleber tires etc.  No
>manufacturer on info on the car, just a very official old-style "Audi" logo.
>I wonder if these are getting to be rare?


Take a look at http://www.mobilia.com . Mobilia publishes a magazine for
the toy and model car collector, and you'll find lots of information on
their site regarding model cars.

Do a search on "Audi", and you'll come up with a list of models and dealers
carrying those models. I followed a link to EWA Model Cars (a model car
dealer in New Jersey) at http://www.ewa.com, searched on Audi, and found
pictures of several rally car models, including a 1982 San Remo Rally car
with picture for $29...

Full disclosure - Yes, I *do* have a financial interest in Mobilia...they
just asked me to handle business development for them <grin>. I think this
makes my automotive habit tax deductible!


(for more information on Mobilia, please contact me privately at
lee@wheelman.com...I'm looking to set up relationships with a number of
specialty providers for Mobilia)