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RE: Telling HAL what to do (now computer lore)

This is an old "urban legend" for computers.  When the story first started, 
speech recognition was very primitive(it still is.)  Especially in a large 
conference room, it isn't going to work that well with someone shouting.


> The dangers of voice recognition -- be careful what you wish for, you just
> might get it:
> At a Sacramento PC User's Group meeting, a company was demonstrating its
> latest speech-recognition software. A representative from the company
> was just about ready to start the demonstration and asked everyone in the
> room to quiet down.
> Just then someone in the back of the room yelled:
> "Format - C - Colon - Return."
> To which someone else added:
> "Y - Return"
> ...everyone was quite impressed with how well the software worked!
> John
> 1990 Coupe Q, 145k miles (manually operated, no billg software in sight)

Brett Dikeman
"Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making them 
happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain

"Oh no.  Not again." - The bowl of Petunias

"... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big 
enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual

Statler: "Hey, this one sounds cute."
Waldorf: "You old fool, that's not the personals, it's the obituaries!"