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Re: 1984 UrQ

"Rich, Jack" <JRich@Kronos.com> writes:

>Where is this car?  Do you know what other problems the owner has had 
>with it that makes him want out?  This clearly sounds like a case of
>last [big] straw" that broke the Audi owner's back.  

A very good point.  I spoke to my friend (shopowner) who has 
serviced this car.  He isn't sure about the present condition
because the last time he saw the car was when he put a new 
head/clutch in it about a year ago.  He says that a year 
ago the car was pristine.  We're going to call the owner
and go take a look at the car this week.  Hopefully the 
car is still in good shape, but alot of things can happen
in a year, we suspect he may have given the car to his son
to drive,...hence the blown headgasket and who knows what 

BTW-The car is Black with dark interior.

Sorry for the bandwidth, but there were a few inquiries about the 
URQ, I use three of four different computers in the course of the
day. The 3.5 "briefcase" disk gave up the ghost, so I don't have
a few of the original email addresses. If anyone meets up with
uber-nerd Gates, please ask him to do something about the way
Windoze locks up the whole system when it can't read the "A"
drive.... ;)

I'll update those who inquired by personal email, as
I should have some time to reconstruct the data in the 
next few days. Sorry 'bout that.



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