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Re: Weak Alternator?
> My '84 4k runs at about 14 volts indicated on the center console
> voltmeter until electrical items are switched on. Each item switched on
> (lights, ventilation fan, wipers) draws the voltage down a little until
> it is slightly below 12 volts. This is rpm independant. I changed the
> brush housing and the symptoms stayed the same. Isn't the regulator in
> the brush housing?
> Is the alternator bad/weak?
Maybe not, sounds pretty typical. I wouldn't expect my voltage to read
above 12 if I had the healdights on and fan on a high setting. Try
measuring the voltage at the alt output and battery to see if it is
actually that low, I suspect series resistance and perhaps ground
lifting affect the voltmeter when a lot of things are turned on.
You could always have it "load" tested.
Huw Powell
82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT