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Re: RAC info?

In message <l03020901b2834b1a2554@[]> Tom Nas writes:

> >Timo Makinen went out controversially - he hit a patch of oil left by
> >the Historic Rally earlier in the day and slid into a concrete block
> >that had not been on the stage during the recce.

> ...and went on driving on three wheels masterfully, until the rally reached
> public roads. There his car was taken off the road by 'HM Fuzz' as Phil
> puts it, for being unsafe.

Did you see the interview with said HM Fuzz?

"Did you explain the situation to him properly?"

"EXPLAIN IT?  I had enough trouble CATCHING him."

I think that was the difference.  The ladies were taking it easy -
Makinen was exceeding the spped limit as well.

Don't forget a German driver killed two locals on one of these public
road return legs last year.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)