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block heater
colin i've been following your request waiting for a guru to enlighten
you...failing that i just went out to my car an 86 5kcdtq (which is
temporarily wheelless while i do sundry repairs to the brakes..and i just
noticed a cv boot with cracking starting...more work) anyhow i crawled under
with the trouble light and followed the wires to the block heater. it's a
very professional installation. the wires go into a protective loom that
appears to be heat resistant, and then threads its way to a position below
the exhaust manifold and above the oil filter housing. totally impossible to
see more from above or below. my car came from edmonton, where , like you,
block heaters are a necessity. from its location i'd say that it looks like
a factory job. i could find the selling dealer if you like.
just as a point of interest that those in florida might find "cute".
in the northern parts of canada, parking spots come complete with block
heater plug- in electrical outlets...even the motels.