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FW: Advice on Buying 1991 200 Clarification

It was not clear in my first message what kind of car I now own.  It
appeared that I may already own a Audi 200 since I have a 5 cylinder 20Valve
engine.  However what I have is a 1991 Audi 90 20 Valve Quattro Sedan.
Hopefully this clears up the misinformation.


From:  Eccleston, Douglas J
Sent:  Friday, November 27, 1998 11:07 AM
To:  'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
Cc:  Eccleston, Douglas J
Subject:  Advice on Buying 1991 200 Clarification

I have the upgrade bug and need the list's  help.  I made the mistake of
looking at a 91 200 and driving it.  What power!!!!!  Here is the scoop:

I am thinking of trading a 1991 20V Quattro sedan for a Pearl 1991 Audi 200
Quattro.  I'd like your advice as to what I should check to make sure that I
am not getting a car with problems.  It has 95K miles and pulls 1.6 Bar.  To
me it feels like a rocket ship compared to the 20V.  The exterior is in good
condition except for one small scratch and small parking lot dent.  What
should I look into and what would be a fair price.  I think he wants 12K.
Oh yes it has the UFO brakes and the rotors are not warped ( good stopping
power from 125mph)

I have the 20V perfect so I am really on the fence on this one.  What do you
think???  I will get $1000 and the 200 for my car.

Thanks in advance
