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Urban legend - revenge of the USAF - no Audi content

The story of the Harrier's ECM box targeting the police radar reminds me of
the US version of this tale:

(As told to me by a somewhat tipsy, very boastful fighter jock)

Nellis AFB, middle of noplace, 60 miles from nearest bar - bored fighter
jocks getting radar-gun speeding tickets on the highway into town, not
happy about it.

One fine day, pilot sees police car and radar gun lurking behind billboard,
far, far below.

Turning to police car's six (dead astern), pilot dives to 25 feet off the
ground, hits full afterburner, and buzzes - no, BLASTS!! PAST - the police
car at probably 1,700 MPH + in an F-4 Phantom - which is, boys and girls, a
BIG, FAST, LOUD airplane. None of this noise abatement crapola for the Yew
Ess Air Force's Finest, by dang! And yes, it WILL go that fast.

Claims sonic boom broke all the windows in the police car, put the radar
gun into orbit, and the policeman's eyes are still spinning. (Also big dent
in roof of car where officer broke the sitting high-jump record - forever.)

Stopped getting tickets, too.

Probably not a true story, but it should be.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman